Milan Martiniak
Hello, my name is Milan Martiniak. I’m husband, father, son and dotnet developer.
I come from Skalite. It’s small village in the north of Slovakia. Now I live and work in Žilina.
In 2010 I graduated from the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of the University of Žilina in Applied Informatics.
Since 2007 I’m .NET developer at KROS a.s. In the past I have been developing desktop aplication (WinForms and WPF). Last few years I’ve been focusing on cloud development. (ASP.NET Core, AZURE, …) Nowadays I’m working as a software & cloud architect.
I’m co-autor of an open source project KORM. And autor/founder of an open source project MMLib.SwaggerForOcelot. I actively take care of both of these projects.
My friend Andrej Kollárik and I are co-authors and co-founders of POLLMEA, a free online application for creating polls.
With friends from work we are starting to organize public meetups in Žilina called KROS Dev Meetup dedicated to software development. Sometimes I talk about software development at the University of Žilina.
I am very pleased to be able to contribute to the organization of the CODECON conference.