ASP.NET CORE Junior Developer Roadmap
Úvod Občas sa ma ľudia pýtajú: „Učím sa programovať a chcel by som sa stať backend vývojárom. Ako začať?” alebo „Som junior/medior vývojár a chcem sa posunúť ďalej. Na čo...
Creating UML / Graphs with Mermaid
How do you draw UML diagrams or charts? Do you draw? Not really, but sometimes it comes in handy and it’s nice to have the some part of the system...
Application Insights - Log Level
🤦 I’ve been using ApplicationInsights for a few years now, but only now have I had a real need to look for my own custom logs there. It took me...
Arch tests - Check project references
In our company we have a large solution which contains more than 100 projects (not including test projects). Within that solution are WebAPI projects, libraries and AZURE functions. A couple...
Own mediator
Currently, the Mediator design pattern is often used. Its purpose is to separate the communication between objects from each other. Which will reduce dependencies between classes, make the code more...
Ocelot ETag Caching
The Kros.Ocelot.ETagCaching library brings ETag caching support to the Ocelot API Gateway. ETag caching is an HTTP caching mechanism that allows clients to verify if the cached data is still...
ASP.NET CORE Minimal API - Content Negotiation
The primary goal of ASP.NET Core Minimal API is to deliver a straightforward, simple, and most importantly, very powerful framework for creating APIs. Rather than delivering features to cover every...
How to use IHostedService to initialize an application
ℹ️ This is another article in a series showing how you can use IHostedService. ASP.NET Core - Periodic Background Task. ASP.NET Core - Queued hosted service. You may find that...
ASP.NET Core - Queued hosted service
ℹ️ This is a follow-up to ASP.NET Core - Periodic Background Task. There are situations when you do not want to process a longer-running action directly during request processing, but...
ASP.NET Core - Periodic Background Task
You may have had a need in your services to run some task that will run periodically in the background (cache updates, data synchronization, deleting old data, etc.). In new...
HttpContext Request Features
In ASP.NET Core, we are used to working with dependency injection and we tend to pass most of the information through dependency injection to the classes where we need it....
Throw vs. Throw ex - Back to the basics
This is another article in the “Back to the basics” series. The first part covered Boxing and UnBoxing, today we’ll look at the difference between throw and throw ex. 💁...
Approval test for your public API
Are you developing a .NET library and want to make sure that the public API of your library is always consistent and versioned correctly? How do you check that changes...
ASP.NET Core - Rate limiting
Rate limiting is a technique used mainly with APIs to control and limit the number of requests that clients can make to the API in a defined time. It belongs...
AZURE Service Bus - How we didn’t use Topic filters
When developing microservices, you are likely to encounter the need for a message broker. A reliable system for sending messages between services. We at KROS a.s. have decided to use...